Now this could be a real deep post, and I'm sure tht some of you may at first be fearful of what I'm about to write, but please don't be it's nothing deep and nothing too serious, but it will require some thought or at least I hope it will lead to some thought.
Over the past day or so I've been trying or doing should I say, cleaning up my mobile(cell) phone of all the old ringtones that I'd made, and making new ones to replace them. It was started the other week before going down to Cardiff and almost completed yesterday, but I've got a mission to do now, and that's going to take a while to do, possibly tonight or tomorrow, depending on how time goes.
So what has this got to do with the title, well. I'm making ringtones of songs that I've placed on my pc, which is kewl, I've got some real nice stuff on my phone now, but looking at some of the stuff it's like seeing 3 stages of my life pass me by. I've got some of the cheesy music that I liked as a kid, some of the stuff that only kids can like, then we move onto the teenage years. At this point my musical favourites were created and my musical tasted developed. Then my adult life has seen me spread my wings as such in terms of looking at other styles of music and enjoying them equally.
Yesterday however, I revisited my teenage years, I went back in time to when wearing suits with no socks, leg warmers and bright colours were fashion, when Michael Jackson was a musical god, when Don Johnson and Tom Selleck were the hottest things on the screen. Yes, you've guessed it I went back to the 80's. Wow, it's quite trendy right now to like that era, but at times I think it's never been given the credit. Mind you, when you grow up in a period, you never forget it, and that is why I perhaps think it's such a great time. I know a lot of the songs were bad, but it's the same for today and the same for any decade.
I should point out that for all the stuff I found and recalled there was one little song I couldn't find. I thought that I'd found it, but to no avail. I could recall the guitar riff, the drum beat and how the lyrics danced, and even had the word Satellite in my head, but couldn't figure out why. I saw the links to Georgia Satellites and thought I'd cracked it, but no, it wasn't what I wanted. It's real crazy ya know, I can see a couple of tv shows from the 80's that used to be very good for showing music video's that perhaps wouldn't be shown elsewhere, and this song was always on. I know it was more a hit in the US than it was in the UK, but it was one that I could remember.
So with disapointment I left the search and just looked around at some of the songs that I could remember from the 80's and thought about how many of those that I really enjoyed at the time, but then with time realise how bad they were or just how good they have stood the test of time. It's really odd. For some of the younger readers of this blog, you'll be thinking the same in a few years time of the 90's, and whilst you have a rich taperstry of talent to devour over, the 90's just weren't as cool as the 80's. I don't know why, things seemed more created rather than born. I think the 80's was the last decade where fashion and music was born out of imagination rather than a recycled format. That is how it feels today, formulated.
I like some of the stuff being produced today, certainly enjoy the rebirth of the guitar based music. Yet, it's still sounds very early 90's stuff, mixed with 80's metal. That's the thing, it's been done before, and when something original comes along it creates something special. I don't however feel that we are seeing anything too original at the moment.
Here's something though, am I now too old to like modern chart music? Am I out of touch if I think some of the bands are sounding very much like bands from yester year? Do I sound like my own parents? (no, as I like guitar based music, rather than Sinatra and co.).
The good news however is that I remembered what the track was I was looking for yesterday this morning. For those that recall the 80's may recall, "Satellite" by The Hooters. Well that will become a ring tone in the not to distant future..... Anyway, if any of you have an 80's song that you like or think that I may not know of that you like, leave me a message. I may find myself screaming of course, why didn't I think of that!!
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