I sit before the monitor thinking I'm going to write, thinking what to write and then letting my fingers begin the journey around the keyboard. Tonight's blog is only intended to be short and sweet. I need to pop out to the shops to pick up some groceries, so I'm not intending on a long entry. How many times have I said that in this blog and go on for ever and a day?? So I'll try my best.
Not to much has transpired since the last entry which doestn't seem to be like last Wednesday, but much later to be honest. Still Wednesday it is. I was out on Saturday night in Manchester for a Christmas "do" and have to say that I enjoyed myself. It's not often that I say that about night outs, but I did and I'm sure it was the company I was with, who made it enjoyable and entertaining, even if it was Karaoke which I detest. It even got to the point where I was considering destroying a couple of songs, but couldn't find it in me to do such a thing.
Sunday was spent chilling out after the night before. Getting in at 4am, wasn't an issue and I woke up 2 or 3 times before getting up rather late at 9.30, but hey I had nothing to do and can do what I want. So I spent the day doing diddly squat. It was possibly one of the best days of the year, as I couldn't care less really about anything that was going on, I just did what I wanted to do, and when I wanted to do it. That was beautiful and something that I can do every day, but I don't think I do do every day, or not with the abandon that I did on Sunday.
I'm still waiting for the guys to come and sort out the water heater in my room, the landlord arrived on Friday I think it was to have a look at it and then said it would be Monday afternoon when the electrician and his handy man would come and change it for me. It's now Tuesday night and I've not had anyone around, it's now over a week since I switched the thing off and it's a royal pain in the backside not having hot water in the flat, if it continues for much longer I'm really going to get angry. However, I don't have much room to complain about in some respect, but hey we'll see how that goes.
Tomorrow night I'm out at the BBC again for another radio show I applied for loads of things last week and got 3 sets of tickets back, so with the show tomorrow, I've got 4 shows to go and sit in on, which I'm really looking forward to. It gets me out of the flat and it's also nice to be entertained by others even if it is only for an hour or so. Different environments always helps one's outlook on life.
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