I sit in front of my PC and infront of my wind0w, and prefer to look out of the window than at what I'm typing.... I'm good at touch typing, so I can do both at once. However I'm being distracted by the vast array of greens that I can see. It's a sign that summer is almost upon us and the final throws of the winter months has gone. However yesterdays weather was very much different to that which we would like, constant rain. Still that was needed and I don't mind the odd day of non-stop rain, it reminds me of my childhood. I'll try and take a picture from the window in a moment, the only problem being of course is the scaffold that is still up and seemingly never to be taken down. The tree in the neighbours garden that was cut back last year has found life again and though not as pretty as once was, it's still nice to see it covered in leaves as opposed to nothing.
So what of this week? Well work is the thing I'm concentrating on more than anything. Though nothing is wrong as mentioned last week, I've still got one or two issues to resolve and they will be done this week, if not within the next couple of days. I'm sure that others may not enjoy these outcomes, but hey that's for them to moan and not me.
My mood is constant and even if I've got nothing to maintain it with or too look forward too, I'm trying so hard not to let anything effect me. I am flying at the moment, and that's so good, it's positive.
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