Today was a prime reason as to why I'm not going on the "works" Christmas do to Blackpool. There is too many people who whisper behind my back or even while I'm there for me to enjoy myself. I really don't like it when it's so obvious that people are talking about me and I'm like less than a metre away from them. If that is how they want it then so be it, I've got better things to do than be overtly concerned by that.
I take some power away from this. I really did get very angry today, and I was a little suprised by it. I didn't expect it today, more so as it was volunteers and just 1 member of staff, but happen it did and it's been logged down in my memory bank I guess. This person had best be aware of things, as she's in line for a shock or two soon.
Still these things happen to me all the time, and something must be getting better as I'm not angry or frustrated by it. The thing is that I've grown to be used to it, and though it's not nice and to a point very discriminatory I don't give a flying monekys. Why should I let it effect me? I'm not going to Blackpool to endure a night like that. I can stay at home and get the same.
Apart from the naff day at work, I then got home and watched the worst football game I've seen since 1989. It was shambolic and very unfamiliar to what we've come to expect from the team. I'm not sure what had gone on, or why they were that bad, but bad they were and left me wondering why I had decided that this would be the game I'd pay to watch. Still it can't get any worse that than I think, I hope.
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