Well it's been an interesting few days to be honest since I last wrote, going to Chester was fun. It had been a long time since I'd been and to be honest some of the places seem to have got lost. I didn't recognise some of the places, but that made it better of course. I didn't buy anything, though I was close, till finding the price for a cycle shirt was £10,000 or for those in Canada around $20,000. Why so dear? It was a race worn and autographed yellow jersery from the 2002 Tour de France, signed by Lance Armstrong. It didn't have a price on it, so I asked and quickly put the shirt back...
Friday my car failed it's MOT and it's going to cost me £160 to get it legal, which it has to be for work. It's a lot of money considering how much I've spent on it of late. The only good thing is that none of the work required is related to the accident I had in it the other week, so I should be thankful I guess. It's still taking a chunk out of my budget again.
Saturday was Lisa's birthday, I sent her some flowers, which she really liked. It's not something we tend to do with each other, buy presents that is. As she had given me a present for my birthday I had to recipricate. It was only fair and flowers seemed such a nice idea.
On to today and it's a return to work. I've got lots of issues with work right now that won't be sorted till next week I fear, but I'm waiting and I'm not going to let them drop like I would in the past. It's gone too far this time. Apart from that I'm almost looking forward to going to work, it will be something different, as I've not worked a full week properly since August. I've had plenty of rest for the batteries to be recharged, but I burn them up quickly...
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