Friday, October 28, 2005

Out of sorts

I'm so alone tonight, My bed feels small than when I was small. Lost in memories, lost in sheets and old pillows.

Ok, so I stole that line, but it's sort of how I feel tonight. I really could have done with some sort of company tonight. I am ok on my own, I've been like that for ages, but tonight for some reason being alone has effected me. I'm bored and have no one to bounce ideas off. I can't pinpoint why I'm so alone tonight, but hey it's only 1 night in the past couple of months or so I guess.

Maybe it's cause I watched the last episode of Six Feet Under again tonight and like the first time I did so I cried my eyes out. I don't know why I did this time, I had no sentiment to this, it was a second showing and I knew what to expect, but it still hit me hard. I really don't have much of an idea.

Well I'm working tomorrow now, which isn't a bad thing as it adds up to my overtime sheet again. It's building up again and as it's only 3 weeks since I cleared the last lot off, to have over a weeks over time back isn't too bad. What makes it worse though is that I've been trying not to do any overtime, but as it's happened, I'm not complaining. I'll have to take this lot off as time off, but it's going to be the week around Christmas me thinks. I'm going to keep adding to the overtime till I get a couple of weeks on it me thinks and then do something about it again.

Today has been a lazy day in many ways. I've felt a lot better today than any other day this week. As I didn't have much to do in terms of work I took mum shopping to Urmston, had a look around the market and then around the shops. Ok, it's not a big place and we were done in just over 90 minutes, but it was a change and that made it all the better in many ways. A change is as good as a rest, and that's why tonight I'm perhaps a little out of sorts.

p.s. the start of this post comes from Out to Get You - James.

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