Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Not Funny

This isn't a funny thing, but my bookmarks on my pages have all vanished. How does one find them?? I'm trying to recall all the pages that I had bookmarked over at least a 18 month period and even then, that's a fraction of what I once had. I'm not laughing, not that I'm too concerned there were pages that I wouldn't let go for what ever reason, which have now gone, but none the less it's freaking crazy.

It's been a while again since I last posted anything here, but I'm still going to keep going. I made myself a promise and that's something I'm going to keep. I've had the results back of my liver biopsy, and to prove how abnormal I am they have told me they don't wish to see me again. They say my liver is normal for one which functions in a abnormal manner. How crazy is that one?? I've now got to get my shoulders sorted and I'm on my way. Mind you I was due in hospital yesterday for some surgery, but had to have that cancelled as I have had a head cold. This pissed me off no end, but of course with me being on anti-depressants right now I wasn't too happy.

What did make me happy though was watching the football on the television last night United beating Arsenal at Highbury (Arsenal's ground) was something to cheer me up. I can't recall seeing a better match than that for a good few years, I'd say at least going back as far as 1999. So I was in a better frame of mind by the time I got in last night. Still it's only a short term happiness, nothing long term and though I'm finding my feet again things need sorting. I'm waiting for the application form from Banardo's to arrive and then I will fill that one in. I don't know if working for them would be any better than where I am right now, but hell it can't be any worse.

So I'll leave this quick and brief update on my life. I'm sorry for the infrequency of the posts these days, but I do forget or just don't think I can right all the nasty stuff that goes on. A lot of the stuff that's in my head isn't for public consumption I promise you, but it would be better for me to write down. I should start a private diary, but that would only turn into a journey to the dark side. So this is the Jedi diaries in that sense.

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