Monday, December 06, 2004


Whilst trying to find something to inspire me in terms of music I can't help but think that music from yesteryear is far better than anything that we've got today. Whilst I don't wish to discredit some of the artists producing music today, as I'm sure that they are very creative people (some of them), the majority of the music being churned out today is so repetative. I guess there is only so much one can do with a few a notes here or there, but it's very rare these days for me to say I like a new record.

My taste in music is very wide, and very varied, but some of the stuff I currently hear is just so awful.

Rant over, I guess that music is a personal thing and that I should try and put on anyone what they should or shouldn't be listening too. I guess each to there own. I may like heavy metal/nu metal, pop music and indie classic's but that doesn't mean the world has to listen to them. Well it does if it's a band that very few people have listened too. I would have implored a few years back that everyone should go out and buy at least 1 album by a band called James. I still would, but as they no longer perform or record together it's difficult to get people to listen to them.

The question though is this, why do we enjoy different records? Is it the lyrics or the music? Which is the most vital? I'm really not sure, for example I've just listened to a version of Boheimian Rhapsody, who know's what the lyrics were about. The music isn't ground breaking, but the song is as close to perfect as any I know. So why does that song excite me, thrill me when in many area's is just another song? I don't know know? What part of the brain will music hit? I'm not the one to know and haven't got the time to explore right now. What I do know though is that it's something to think about.

This may all be waffle, and in honesty it is, I set off on one track, then stopped and changed tracks. Even so, this was the waffle express and it's gone from the station and circled around back. It was certainly an interesting journey into the waffle of my mind. One which I hope you all enjoyed the scenary wasn't too good today, but it's winter and the graphite grey clouds are slowly lifting out to reveal the blue sky. It's going to be a typical winter's day in Manchester. Cold, damp and in all honesty a long day in work. I'll survive, and I'll have tales to tell afterwards, but it's nothing exciting.

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