This isn't going to be a big blog as I've only got a few minutes in which to write anything. I should start by saying that I went to the doctors before going to work yesterday. The problem being my arm, as it's been very painful of late if I move it, not all the time, but a lot of the time. Well it seems that I've got a frozen left shoulder which requires physio. Now I'm not that bothered about it, except when I do move it and it hurts like hell. I can carry on at work with it, and not be effected that much.
Work wasn't too bad, I found out that they got a bus company to take the classes out last week, whilst I was off, as they had no other drivers to drive the school minibus. That is scary, as I told the head teacher yesterday that I'll be applying for a job at Barnardo's if it becomes available. That would really leave them up the creek without a paddle as such. I also found that the job they asked me to do last Monday, which kept me in school till 3.30pm when I had asked to go home early, hadn't been completed by anyone else. So that was done yesterday also. I really don't like the fact that they were so desperate for the job to be done last week that they kept me in to do that and yet don't get it finished by someone else.
Still why should I care? It's obvious that I'm not that important in that place and that I shouldn't be concerned about things, but I am and that's the problem. Oh well if I get the chance to go for the job at Barnardo's and do get it, then I'll be able to leave them, and perhaps be happier in my job. It would certainly mean more money and that's something to which I'll be glad of.
Anyway that's the quickest entry that I've done for this place, taking the post for World Aids Day away, as that was just a small note. This was a crazy idea to see how much I could fill in, in a short space of time and also to fill this place down with events in work yesterday.
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