Sunday, September 09, 2012

1985/2012 No difference really.

Today has been a Retro Sunday, the first of the year and I've loved it.  I've mentioned these days before, but to job your memories today has been spent listening to a 80's radio station and spent doing nothing cept playing on my Spectrum emulator on my PC.  Harking back to the days when I was a teenager when I'd be playing on my Spectrum listening to mix tapes I'd made from what ever sources I could get or listening to the local radio stations.  At times today it's been really fab to hear songs that I'd almost forgot and what's scary is that through the whole day I don't think I've not recognised a song or artist.  It's been quite a day in that respect. 

I'm not sure why I chose to do this today, I listened the Last Night of the Proms last night and got a little nostalgic I guess, and after I'd woken up to hear what tune had been voted onto the BBC virtual jukebox, I switched from 5Live, and decided to go to the 80's station.  After a short while I fell asleep, and then woke up again just before 7am.   It was then that I decided to go for a Retro day.  I did watch a couple of tv shows, before starting, but since then it's been an 80's day with one or two small interuptions.  Now it's coming to the end and I'm looking forward to the next week, full of zest and a little bit of my youth back into my heart. 

The prom concert last night was special, I don't think it was as loud as it's been in the past, I think the audeience were rather more respectful this year than in previous, but the concert was just beautiful, and rich variety of music, with wonderful individual performances from the vocalist and violinist.  They were the stars of the show and simply made the concert.  In years gone by others have allowed the audience to take centre stage, but not these two. 

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