It's the end of the week, it's certainly autumnal now, and so the window is now closed. That being the bedroom window, it won't be opened again till next year now, unless we get the indian summer that I can but hope for.
When you lose something it hurts, when you lose something and you think you know why, but can't quite say yes that's why it's hurts and it confuses, which isn't a good combination. That's how things are right now, but whilst I'm slightly confused, I think I've enough sense in me to move on, let things calm down. I'm not going to go chasing my tail, because it's in front of me. I need to relax, stop thinking stupid things, stop wishing for things that won't happen and get back into the real world. That's not to say I'm not in the real world right now, I certainly am, but my thoughts sometimes I catch myself imagining things that perhaps I should be doing.
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