Thursday, April 26, 2007

24 Hours

Yesterday I did say things could collapse around me very quickly and hey why did I say it??? I don't really know, except that I knew something was wrong with everything going to plan. So within the space of the last 24 hours I've had nothing but bad news.

It started with a letter from my landlord, claiming that I owed him a months rent, when I knew I didn't, it seems this dates back to around 2004, but I thought we'd settled that one, but he claims other wise. I've gone to the estate agents to try and sort things out, but they don't seem to know what's happening either. Then the competition for the concert was drawn early and I didn't get a ticket, this is after it was delayed. I'm not so much angry that I didn't get the ticket, more the way it was ran. The competition was when I checked 20 seconds ago still being advertised, which isn't strange as they have a closing date for midnight tonight, but why have they drawn it now?? Then this morning my best friend, Lisa texts me to say she has to go to Dallas on Saturday with work and can't make the James concert on Saturday with me...........

I'm telling you I foresaw that this would happen, though not exactly the events that have happened, but more the fact that something would send me crashing around into a spin. The competition has really got me angry, as I'd hoped to get the tickets and had already started to rearrange my work scheduled around the gig. Still I have a chance with the local radio station, for those interested it this have to find the station in mind. I want those tickets and the less people that know about it the better!!!!

So today is the last working day of the week for me and I'm going to make it a fun day for all if I can. I know that a lot of my work colleagues are down right now, so I've got to try and impart some of my happiness onto them, but all I seem to be doing is scaring them, by being so loud and silly, which I know is the happy side of me. They can't take me when I'm like this, however, it's normally the other way around so it's a big change I guess.

I should say that I went to the shop last night and found that they were stocking the Bohemian Raspberry ice cream from Ben & Jerry's. I guess I found solace in a tub of ice cream last night and a bit this morning, it's really nice, and highly recommended to anyone who happens to stumble across this site.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Can it get better??

Well here we are half way through the week and it's just getting better and better!! OK, I know more than anyone that it can collapse around my ears straight away and it has done in the past for me, but it's great while it lasts and this week can continue forever and a day and I wouldn't care......

After enjoying the meeting on Monday, yesterday whilst being in work for near enough all day I didn't mind as it was constructive in many ways and so I enter today with a clear head and still full of myself. My group went well, though we only had 2 clients on the group and 4 people helping me out, which meant that I didn't have too much work to do, but it was still good having the freedom to watch them all and not worry about leaving anyone on there own with someone.

Once home I settled down to watch United play AC Milan in the Champions League final, and well it was a fantastic game of football. Not quite the same as the 7-1 win in the last game in the competition, but it was a genuine contest of football, which ebbed and flowed and produced just about everything, including a last minute winner by United. Let's wait till next week's game in Italy, before we start celebrating totally, but it's a huge win right now that can have implications for the rest of the season. That goal could be the goal which sends us back to the promised land.

Today is another long day at work, with another meeting due at midday and then I've got 2 more clients to work with. I won't finish till around 8pm tonight, but then that's essentially the week over for me. I can sit down and relax as on Thursday the fun begins after I finish my only client.

Oh and just to add something to this entry

"I saw my mate the other day,
He said that he'd seen the white pele,
So I asked, "Who is he?"
He goes by the name of Wayne Rooney.
Wayne Rooney, Wayne Rooney, goes by the name of Wayne Rooney."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


So the meeting came and went yesterday and though I said I wouldn't be the one speaking much, it did seem like I had a lot to say. It isn't that I don't like doing that (well I don't to be honest, but I felt more confident yesterday!), it was more the case as I said in yesterday's entry that I didn't want to be reactionary and I don't think I was which suprised me.

That's enough of that, as it's not fair to bring office politics into this place, plus it would be unprofessional to really discuss it with names and events. I did enjoy the meeting however, once it got going more than I expected. Then once I'd completed my work scheduled yesterday I got home to be able to spend a good 10 minutes in the company of my niece. She'd been at my mum's for tea, and so I got to see her for a short period of time. I know I wound her up, but it was only playing and the one thing that I did notice was how much sharper she's becoming in firing back insults and answering back. It's really enjoyable bantering with her, it's as if she's older than her 10 years of age.

I know that I said I was looking forward to this week, and so far so good. I'm either running on adrenalin or I'm genuinely happy. Hell I've not said that for months or years in fact. I think it's in need of a note. That no matter what's taken place of late I'm actually feeling positive about things. I may not be able to say I "love" myself as I once did, but I can say that I'm happy, and that's a major achievement for myself. Wow, I've just raised my own thing that bit higher...... I'll be jumping and bouncing around soon feeling quite ecstatic by the end of the week at this rate, but hey that's cool. I enjoy being in that state, it may scare people, but it's a good thing for me, long may this mood continue.

Still no news on the competition front, but hey no one else has heard either, so it's still early days yet.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Well, yesterday I spent at home all day, with the exception of about 20 minutes, when I went to the shops to pick something up for my lunch/main meal of the day. With that done I promptly sat at home and did nothing, but either play on my computer, or write things out for work etc. It may not sound like the most exciting of days, but it was quite relaxing and enjoyable to be honest. (spooky fact here, just as I typed "sound" in the last sentence, the song "Sound" by James started on my media player!!) I feel quite refreshed and up for the challenges of the forthcoming week. Why I don't know, but I know that it's going to be a special week for sure and one I'm really excited about.

Today I have a meeting at work to attend, one which I'm sure I'll have to use some of the training techniques that I learned last week. Maybe others will be looking at me to stand up and fight our causes at this meeting, but unless it's needed, this will be notes and references and then I'll compile a response, if we don't get given our chance today. A measured response is better than a reactionary response, which would include any emotions that are running during the meeting. Oh listen to me the master of keeping her mouth shut in these circumstances!!

Perhaps this should be at the top rather than here, but whilst I'm writing this I should be aware that over the next few days, I'm hoping to get my "myspace" site working better, though this place is the primary blog spot, that place may just be to keep people interested in things. I've linked this place to that, and will do vice versa when it's up and running. So maybe, just maybe a few more readers here and there will pop across. With that in mind I may keep welcoming others for the next few posts, though how many that would be I don't know........

Anyway, enough of that I'm going to be in work soon to sort out the weekend group situation. Nothing took place to worry me over the main job, though one or two small things took place that is worrying, that needs addressing. Apart from that nothing major. I do however want to start getting my camera back out of it's case and get more photo's for the photo blog that I have running. I've really not kept that up of late, mainly due to the lack of photo's that I've taken of anything and everything. It's time to change that me thinks. That's just reminded me, that it's now near enough a full calendar month since I last saw my niece. It's awful to say that it's been that long, but she's been on holiday for a couple of weeks and has now been back a full week, and I'll probably not see her till possibly next Sunday. It's incredible really to think of it in that sort of time, but it is. When I do see her, she'll probably be taller and smarter than she was before!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Back here again

Well here I am at the start of an exciting week ahead with trips to United, Salford rugby and then of course at the end of the week, a James concert at the MEN arena. The later is the most exciting thing for the week, as it's the first time in 6 years that I'll have seen this band live.

So what has taken place this week? Well it's been a busy week at work, as I was on some training for my newly found union work. It was a two day event in Birmingham. I wasn't too bothered over the venue, having been there previously a couple of weeks earlier, however the training was quite intensive. We were cramming a 3 day course into 2 days, so it was full on. By the end of the second day I felt out on my feet, but full of enthusiasm, which from what was said by the others was similar to them. I'm looking forward to the rest of the training and also getting into doing some work from this session.

I'm sure that I've stated that I've never been someone who has placed the "union" first before now, and in fact it's generally been pay my dues and that be that. However, since they helped me out a few years ago, I've wanted to somehow promote or help out where I could. I never thought that I'd be joining them in terms of the role that I've trained to be, I never thought that I'd that way inclined in terms of mentality. Still at least it's something different and offers me a chance to better myself some what, and also to see what's out there in the big bad world.

Once that training was done it was back to the grindstone for a day or so, and then another odd day on Friday. I'm not going to go into that out of respect for others. Saturday I was working and though nothing too major happened, I'm sure that I've not heard the last of it yet. Still I don't really care anymore, what's done is done and I can't go and change it. I may change others in how they go about things, but hey that would be a change for the better I guess.

Today I'm not sure what's going to take place to be honest. I'm in one of those moods to do very little and may just go out for my sake and no one else's. I know I don't want to be in here for the duration of the day, but I'll spend a bit of time in here doing very little. I've not had one of those days for ages and it may do me some good to do so. Solitary isn't too bad in small doses, and today may well be a small dose. I've got the radio playing on the computer, and that's always one of those signs for myself that I'm in for the day. It's often new tunes to myself and also someone talking often, which is a different circumstance than normal. So what I'll have for my dinner or tea I don't know, in fact I could make something special.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Re-cap 7 days.

Was it really 7 days ago that I last wrote in here? OK, it's not like I haven't written for a while, but it doesn't seem that long ago.

So mum's foot wasn't broken after all, it was more a very bad sprain. They've taken the plaster off and to be honest she's moving as well as ever. I think the fact they immobilised it helped the recovery period and she's now back in the old routine. She's far happier than she was and move her self is you know what I mean, I think we were both starting to suffer with cabin fever, though we'd been to Eccles and my Aunt's funeral, we'd been stuck in the house otherwise. So come Wednesday of this week, all I can say is that I was happy to go into work, just to break the spell of being at my mum's and also to speak to others apart from my mum. Mum on the other hand went to bingo.

I'd got to breaking point by Wednesday however and needed to rest or at least to relax a little and not be in "work mode" constantly. I feel refreshed and back on track so to speak, and loving the feeling of being back in "MY normal world". However, I've not a care in the world right now and that's something spooky. Still something will come along and bite me and when it does, how prepared I am I don't know.

So onto other things, this past week saw the end of the hockey season both in North America and the UK, and though the UK was a bit more successful than the Oilers, I think this years hockey is best left to the history books. Football wise, United killed Roma in the quarters of the Champions League, 7-1..... Yes 7 goals against an Italian team who are second in there league. It was without doubt one of the finest displays in Europe by United. They play later today in the FA Cup semi's against Watford. It should on the form that United showed be a walk over, but it's the cup and it's all on the day.

We are now only 2 weeks away from the James gigs, they start the tour this week with a couple of warm up gigs, and I may try to get to one of them if I can. I don't know if I can or not, but we'll give it a try for sure if I can.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


OK, so things haven't gone to plan of late as can be seen by the last couple of posts, but just as things were settling down, my body has gone into breakdown mode. My back hasn't been stable for a week or so, but for the past 24 hours it's been agony, and no matter how many pain killers I take it's not getting any easier. Add on top of that my shoulder seems to be playing up, which has me slightly scared that it's going to freeze again means I'm almost falling to pieces.

This should mean that I should consider some sick leave from work, but I dare not, considering how much time off I've had this year so far, with all of my holidays. Then added to all the trips away made for meetings etc, it wouldn't be fair to the parents or the young people that I work with. Apart from my own health issues, I've the situation with my mum, of whom I could probably claim some sort of carers leave, but again I'd feel guilty in doing so. It's going to be interesting next week to say the least.

However going onto yesterday, mum's next door neighbour and the newest neighbour to the street helped build a ramp for us to use with mum's chair. It's only a temporary thing of course, if it were to be permanent then we'd have a ramp concreted into the step. Mum hasn't been out since Wednesday, and for some reason I'm sure she won't want to go out today either. I shall however encourage her to make the move. She can't sit around the house all day. I know it isn't the most ideal situation, but I'll attempt to get her out at some point.

With everyone in the drive eager to see if mum was OK yesterday I missed one or two things on the television and radio that I wanted to watch/listen too. I can't complain, but it's frustrating to say the least. Maybe a bit more frustrating due to the fact that I can't do anything other than be around the house to help mum whenever she wants to move or anything. I know that someone owes me big style now, and it's not my mum.......

Friday, April 06, 2007

Bad Break

Oh well it doesn't rain, but it pours I guess the saying goes. It certainly does for my mum over the past couple of weeks. Apart from losing a much loved friend and neighbour last Tuesday, on the same day her sister died, yesterday she had a fall and broke her foot.

The fall took place before going to her neighbours funeral, at which she hobbled around thinking she'd just sprained the foot. However, as the pain grew worse in the day, it was obvious a trip to the local A&E was in need. After a 2 hour stop over there we got home with mum on crutches and with a pot on her foot. Considering how old she is, not to have broken any bones before is a feat. However, she's not doing the crutches part very well, but she's going to have to learn to cope for a while. She does have a wheel chair that she's never used, so it will come in handy over the next few weeks.

As for me, well I write this in no physical pain, but I did find out that James were playing a warm up gig in Hoxton again next Tuesday. With mum being invalided, and it's her sister's funeral, means that any chance of me being able to go was gone, but to add insult to injury the tickets went on sale whilst I was in A&E with her. So I guess life goes on and I'll just have to wait and see what goes on. Work was it chaotic self yesterday as well, with me missing my supervision due to being asked to do some emergency cover work. I'm not to concerned, but it's just a bit mind blowing at times that I cover so many hours and still get little credit from management.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


This isn't a post about the delights of the quaint English teatime quiz show, but more a post about the countdown towards the James concert in Manchester. I know they've played a warm up gig, and they'll probably play a couple more before the start of the tour in a few days time, but none the less, it's pretty exciting that after nearly 6 years of nothing, I'll be watching James performing live again.

Yes, I've said it before that they are amongst my favourite bands of all time, and it's easy for me to wax lyrical about them, but that has to show how bloody good they are. It's easy to talk forever on a band that has influenced your life. I'm sure that others can do the same about other bands and can equally talk other bands up, but for me it's James and that's it.

Anyway, I sit here today staring out of the window and seeing scaffolding in front of me. I'm not sure what they are doing on the house as all the builders stated when I asked them was work to the fascia. We had no warning of this taking place and so I'm a little upset by that. Still it could have been work, we could have been asked to vacate for the work to be done and I wouldn't be able to add to this place would I? For some reason this morning it's a little misty, considering the past week or so has been beautiful spring weather it's strange to see the murky gray clouds that accompany the mist.

However today is one of the future and the past, I've talked of the future with James, and the past is consigned to the funeral of a neighbour of many years who died last week. It was a shock to hear that he'd died, though he hadn't been well for many years, and I hadn't seen much of him for quite a time, it was still a shock to hear of his death. I recall the the years spent as a child where I'd play games with all the other kids in the drive. His daughter being something of a leader for us as she was the older one of us all, it was she who got all the parents out to join us each year for the annual week of kids v parents at rounders and bull dog. The last being the some of the most funniest sites you've ever seen. Still that's the past and it's long gone. Today we think of those times and smile and be thankful that we had them with not only that neighbour, but with our own parents long gone, and others still with us.

I've another funeral next Tuesday to attend as well. My aunt died last week as well, on the same day as the neighbour. It wasn't a good day at all as you can imagine, to be told that two people who have influenced me in many ways died on the same day. It didn't make the journey home from a meeting any easier for me. In fact it brought a dark cloud over the whole week and though the weather has been kind to date, the mist and gloom I talked of before is very symbolic of how I've felt since last week. I guess the return to work this week after a two week break didn't help that mood, though of course that's another issue totally.