Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Little Miss nice

I'm trying to get back into a post a day or at least a post every couple of days after the week I had off. I know it was lazy of me and I know that it has thrown me out of kilter to be honest, in that my mind isn't working as quickly in terms of being able to blog. So if this is difficult to read or is more open and brutal than normal I'm sorry, but normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Well yesterday wasn't so bad, we had two children missing from the group again and though it wasn't as good as last week, it was certainly better than some of the previous weeks. I think the corner may have been turned I don't know, but it's certainly calmer with only 6 children. I have to hope that after Christmas that the group remains at 7 and that possibly 1 of those might drop out or change to a 1-1.

I managed to get the secret santa presents yesterday, I really wanted to spend more on the present than I did, but it would have been obvious and of course just getting a few small odd things rather than one big thing helped. I know it's not exactly something I'm good at, buying blindly. I think I may just buy odd bits over the next year with consideration for something like this. As for work, I've also agreed to work on Saturday to allow someone to go on the Christmas do, and thus leaving myself as the only person not going to Blackpool. This is how I wanted it, let them all make fun of me behind my back, rather than in front of it. It's they way I prefer it. I don't want to stop them having fun.

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