Well it didn't take long for those of you who read this page to take it over the 1000 visit mark. Well it did and didn't, but I think 100 posts and 1000 visits is a kewl enough barrier to past together. Thank you all again.
So what's new? Well not too much, though I've now got a date and city for the forum meeting that I have been co-opted onto at work. I'll be off to Bristol in January and I'll see what it's like down there before deciding if I want to stop down there or not. It's not that I don't want to, it's money and what's going on.
I've got the go ahead from work to do so, but they want me to feedback on what I'm going to be doing. It should be interesting to say the least, but I think that the meeting in a couple of weeks might be of more use to me in that respect. I do know that there isn't a strategy in place to deal with those service users who have major learning difficulties and also are exhibiting behaviour which suggests they have a sexuality issue. It's a grey area of work, but one of which is a big challenge for myself to look into, and more so at work. More will follow on this topic as time goes by and I hope it can not only help those service users, but that I can help in a way establish stratagies for work that people can follow after I've left.
Socially wise nothing to report, things have been quiet, though the breaking local news is that a major soap star (here in the UK, and to a point world wide) has taken over my local pub. It had been shut for a couple of weeks and is due to be reopened on Saturday night. I'm not going to make a run to go in just for the sake of her, but as I do go in often with work and also to watch soccer, it won't be long before I see what they have done inside. I'm eager to see what the refurbishment has done to the old place, I just hope it remains a pub and not a bar. They destroyed my previous local, by transforming it from a pub to bar.... I've not been in that place for near enough 3 years now. It's a shame as I liked that place.
I shall me thinks be going Geekish on Friday. If I manage to get my hours in at work today, I won't have to go in tomorrow, which is all well and good as I may sit down and watch all 6 Star Wars films. Geekish it may be, but it does need to be done and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. So if I can fill the hours in and I only need 4 hours work today then I'm not up for being disturbed tomorrow.
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