Well this morning has been bright, so the dawn of a new year looks promising, but we've got 365 days to make sure that it continues that way..... That equates too -
365 days
8760 hours
525600 minutes
31536000 seconds
till the start of next year.....
Which for the those who panic, leaves a total of 358 shopping days till Christmas 2007......
With that in mind, I can look back on 2006 and say it wasn't too bad of a year though. I've had much worse years than that, and that's something to take forward into this year. Progress and be positive, if I can of course. The counseling that I'm having is helping me as it does if I can relate and get on with the person. I struggle with some people and that negates there attempts of helping me.
Wow, that's a admission and half to be honest and though I've known about that I've never put it down and that's perhaps a start for the better. Some might say that, with that statement that I should concentrate on improving my social skills and make myself more approachable and not take opinions so easily on others. I'll ask those who ask that to question if they do this themselves? I expect them too, but for me I guess, I'm just a little more sensitive than others.
I'm not going to make any resolutions or predictions for the forthcoming year, as inevitably they won't happen. I will say one thing though, it's unlikely that by this time next year this place will be down. It helps me maintain sanity in the crazy world that I inhabit.
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