Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Loneliness is something that I've grown accustomed too over my life, but right now I think I'm feeling it more than ever. At times in my life I feel so alone in this world that I could end it there and then. This is one such time.

Everyone I care about is attached, and it hurts that I know I'll never be so. More than anything else I'd love to find someone, someone to share my life with. It will never happen, it's never happened before now, and won't after. I know what it is that stops this, but it doesn't make life easier. I know that I'm never going to find anyone to "love" me. If I can't love me, if my family can't love me, who can?

I know that I've gone over this before, and I know that I've sort of answered what I need to do to get over this. Yet, no matter what I do to try and avert this feeling, it always comes back.

I'm a infinate failure, no matter what I do, I fail. I even fail in suicide..... How many people can say that??

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