Friday, July 01, 2005


Well, now that all the dark clouds have passed over on the circle that is a year, I can begin to feel cheerful again. Ok, so I'm maybe not the most cheerful person, or not by my blog accounts I'm not anyway. I do promise you that in real life I am a bit more happier if you ever meet me.

Starting to write this or should I say for the past hour or two has felt like I'm seeing the world in technicolour for the first time. It's a really strange feeling, and one which, I've experienced before but doesn't get any easier to describe. I can see shades of green and brown outside, the sky is bright and I'm looking forward instead of backwards.

This is good and bad in so many ways. Good that I've cheered up, and yes it was the circumstances of the week which got me down. Bad though that the people that I work with will suffer my good mood, as I feel energetic, lively, up for anything and prepared to do anything. Nothings will stop me today, and that's a nasty mood for others. They've seen that mood and may question if I'm on some sort of drug, but I'm clean, cept for life.

That's the answer isn't it, LIFE. I guess that I've circled myself in the past 24 hours to examine LIFE and what I've found opened my eyes. I have an idea about what life is about, but then again I am probably wrong. Still that isn't what I'm talking about here. I've taken 5 steps back from myself and circled myself, and then placed that in a sphere of life to examine everything. If I didn't mix my moods up, things would be boring, if I didn't suffer lows, dreadful lows how can I enjoy a high? If things go wrong it only makes things sweeter when they go right. I shouldn't debate everything to the extent I do, though in my life to date most things have gone wrong, I'm sure that some will go right over the years to come. Whilst waiting I may be depressed, stressed and even suicidal, but so what, when things go right I'm going to be so high, that I'll be able to see the Great Wall of China.

If any of you have seen the film Highlander, I feel like I've won the prize right now, I know everything, I don't need anything. I am the one with the answer to every question that I have ever asked. That is such a nice place to be in.

There is however one question I don't know the answer too.........

How long till this mood swings back down?

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