Monday, July 11, 2005


Well, it's either me getting very old, me working harder than ever before or there is something wrong with me. This past week or so I've been very tired, low on energy. This isn't the norm for me, and I'm starting to get concerned by it.

You have to know that throughout my life I've always been the one full of energy, the one able to run around all day and not worry about energy levels. I'd eat enough and burn everything off, too me being tired was something of legend, something everyone else became, but not me. Now, it's turned on me and I hate it.

I know that over the past few weeks, I've reverted back to little sleep, and I know I'm working longer weeks than I normally do, but this is silly, Even in the summer when I've done playscheme's after finishing school, I was as fresh as a daisy as the saying goes. Right now, I'm just so tired. My body just wants to rest, but my brain won't allow it too. I guess my mind is hyperactive, whilst my body is slowing down. The hot weather isn't helping of course and that may be a contributary factor, but god I wish I was feeling better.

It could be mental activities that is keeping me from relaxing and thus preventing me from gaining the rest needed at home, but I don't know. I'm not the type of person who can just sit around and do very little once I'm at home. Perhaps next week, when the new Harry Potter book is out and I've something to read, I'll find time to read that and not so much time on here. Although of course reading is just as active as looking at a computer monitor. I do however need to do something as I need all the energy for playscheme's I can muster.

In terms of the playscheme I'm running, I think I'm up on what I need to do. I'm even going to take tomorrow afternoon off. I've completed all my home visits and will complete my transport routes tomorrow. Once that is done the next step for me to do is book my day trip and complete my activity plan. Once done then I'm going to go and see Maureen. I need some time to myself or should I say, I need some time out of work to relax. It's not easy doing that here as my mind is so preoccupied. At least by going to see Maureen, I can take my mind off things and forget about work for a while.

I don't think I'm in a panic as much as I was this time last week with regards my playscheme, but I'm still concerned. I don't think anyone at the office realise just how bad I can work myself up too. I know I'm my worst enemy, and at times I can't prevent myself from doing that, but it's all the part of being me I guess. If I didn't do that, I don't think Id be half the person I am.

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