Friday, October 09, 2020


 So a flurry of posts today, not even in the midst of the breakdown earlier this summer or the recent meltdown due to work have I posted as much on a single day like today for a number of years.  I just need to keep posting or writing to try and rid my mind of all the crap that is swirling around in it and hopefully allow it to settle on the page rather than in my mind.  

With so much hatred abound right now, and whilst so little is aimed at me personally, I do feel it however, my community is being attacked and has been for some time.  I don't raise my head to often, but would rather support others that do, and assist others that want to do so..  Remember that post recently about me holding ladders!!!  

It does though get me down, I allow the attacks to sting, the old phrase about death by a thousand paper cuts is never truer than now.  I wish I could shut that off, but I can't, because it's part of my job not to, I need to be aware of what's going on and being said so I can shed an informed light it for others and to enable them to be able to get through this attack unharmed and in a position to carry the torch once those doing so now can not.  

The attacks are tiresome, boring and continuous and that is what wears one down. Big hurtful individual attacks are painful for those that they are directed at, however for myself the attacks just keep coming, they keep coming and coming like waves onto the beach.  They are eroding ones strength and abilities to counter them, for those further up the beach than myself they must feel like King Canute trying to control the tide.  

Don't get me wrong here, as tiring as it is, I and everyone else will not let the those attacking us win, we will continue to fight for ourselves and those who can't.  We will not allow bigotry or hatred win, otherwise once we fall, others will be in the line of fire and so we can't allow them to win and though when we win, apart from within the community, none of those that have led this fight/defence will get much credit, as others won't see what we will have prevented.

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