Well it's now Sunday, a dank day by the looks of it, but the morning isn't always a good indicator as to what the remainder of the day is about. Yesterday started out like this, but by mid morning it had become a pleasant mid September day. Mum, asked me to take her up to Bury market for some buttons for a couple of jumpers she's knitted. All well and good, but for some reason on Friday my knee's went on me!!! I could hardly move them, let alone walk anywhere. So luckily yesterday we had Mum's disabled car park badges, which gave us access to spaces near the car park. Normally mum moves slower than I, but yesterday for the first time in years, she was speeding away from me. It then didn't help having someone step on the heel of your only good leg, and cause incredible pain in that leg as well.
I was shocked at how bad my knee was yesterday, after the incident with my heel, I noticed that my shoe laces was undone, so I attempted to bend down to tie them, but I couldn't even do that, so I had to find a seat and tie my laces sat on a chair. At 34/35 this isn't a good sign of things to come is it!! In fact it scares the pants off me that my knee's can be so bad at such an age. Even now, as I'm writing this with my leg's crossed I can feel the knee burning up. I'm not sure what's caused this right now, though I guess the gradual change from summer to autumn (fall) and the drop in average temperatures hasn't helped, but the speed at which it's happened has stunned me.
Still on the market yesterday I picked up some really nice cheese, and also for the first time in nearly 28 years some Liquorice Root. The last time I recall having that was on Pendle Hill, when we'd gone out with my aunt from Canada. I can't even recall why I got some that day, but I do remember it and then chewing it and only later being told it was liquorice, which I hate. Still it wasn't too bad then, and last night when I got in and wanted something to eat late on, I got one of the stick's out and chewed, it took away the desire to eat and I actually felt as if I was no longer hungry either. It wasn't as bad as I thoguht it would be and in fact quite pleasant.
Today I'm meeting up with someone that I've not met for a few years, but I'm sure the conversation will get back to the one she always wants to discuss with me, her relationships or should I perhaps say her confusion over her own sexuality. I don't mind, but it's always the same case and whilst I can sit and advise her she never listens and ends up calling me a few months or a couple of years down the line to ask my advice again. It's been like this for the past 14 years or so. At times it's ok, but it's when she text's me constantly that it really get's to me. Still today it gives me an excuse to go to the pub, before the football starts and thus I can listen and watch the football at the same time. That's awful, but it's about as much as she'll listen to me.
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