Well after the reasonable weather of the past couple of days, I say reasonable, Friday was dreadful in terms of rain and in certain parts of the country floods. This of course was in sharp contrast to seriously hot weather of the previous days. Today seems to be a return to the better weather, and promises to be a real hot day, a day of rest and leisure for some of us.
To side step into yesterday's post, and in a way very much along the same theme of open and closed, I'm opening and closing my musical tastes at this point also. I'm very much of the mind that if I like something then I'll go listen to something of that band. Now for some reason, I'm listening to even more obscure music and enjoying so much more right now. Why would I like Bossa Nova going straight into nu-metal and enjoying both. It's great, the wide and diverse range of music may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's certainly fun. I'm loving listening to Glastonbury festival, which I now wish I was at, apart from that where the flooding was this Friday.
It's now only 4 or 5 weeks before the start of Playscheme's which will be the most intense and most fun part of my working year. Although this year I'm taking it from an alternative stance in terms of being the one officially running the scheme's I'm still planning on letting it be a fun scheme. I see no reason why we should have fun, though of course the fun aspect has to be placed side by side with safety. I'm excited rather than nervous about this right now.......
This isn't going to be some war and peace novel today, I'm not in writing mood. I should be, as I'm full of many thoughts, but not in the writing mode. Life isn't always about, writing how you feel, it's about living how ya feel.
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