Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Friggin Appointment

Now then, you go to a hospital to improve your health, to make you better. That's what I thought it was all about anyway. So, let's recap this, I went into hospital earlier this year for some surgery. Nothing major, just corrective surgery.

I was then told that I would be sent a follow up appointment in 3 months time, just to be able to track the date of this entry into hospital, the Pope's funneral was on the Friday I left hospital. So, that was way back in what? April of 2005. So here I am waiting for the follow up appointment, which arrives for the start of July. The problem is that the appointment clashes with some training, so I ring them up, a bit stressed by this but ok. Another date arrives and yet more clashes! I ring up confirm a date over the phone with them that doesn't clash, only to get a letter to tell me the doctor is on holiday that week, and the appointment has been put back, to a date which clashed with playscheme's.

So with releif I set off for this appointment, after 4 dates which were unsuitable to either myself of the doctor, we had found a date good for us both. This appointment though was in the town of Leicester, which is a good 90 or so miles away. I set off in plenty of time on a nice day, knowing I'd hit some roadworks on the motorway down there, but so what I had time.

I got to a service station with a couple of hours to spare, about 25 miles outside of where I should be happy and contented that I hadn't rushed and I'd have plenty of time to get into the hospital and perhaps even grab something to eat. I was even planning what to do on the way home. I wish I hadn't as I ended up in a ditch with my car. I clipped the kerb, coming off a roundabout, and the car jumped onto the grass verge and slidded into the ditch. I managed to get it stuck, which was even more impressive. I couldn't move the car.

Some guy stopped and phoned someone to come and help me, but after half an hour or more even no one had come, and when another couple stopped and called the police I was getting a bit hot, flustered and very much stressed out. The police came, called for a company to pull the vehicle out and then checked my tyres, 2mm under the legal limit!!! As they'd been called to an accident, and it had to be reported he had to issue me with either a court date or an instant fine and 6 points on my drivers license. That's half the amount to a ban, I'm not happy with it, but I've got to accept it. The fine is £60, and once the bill for some new tyres and recovery had been totalled I was a further £230 lighter.

With all that happening, guess what I didn't do? That's right the hospital appointment wasn't met, which means at some point I've got to go back down there again. I've got a feeling that I'm not meant to get back to that hospital, and I'm certainly not looking forward to that trip again.

The money I had to pay yesterday has totalled my bank account till pay day, which is another 3 weeks away, and thus I'm flat broke till then. I'd just managed to get back on my feet from changing my job in May. By that I'd just got around to being able to leave money in my account at the end of the month and have enough to play with. Not anymore and even with the over time money coming in, I've still got to pay my mum for my season ticket and have my car tax, insurance and MOT to pay for. I'm going to be broke for a few more months again.

Here's me thinking Hospitals are there to make you better........

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