Saturday, January 01, 2005


Even though I stuck a huge amount of ice on my toes last night, after I'd fallen on them, they've still bruised heavily. All the hospital would do is strap them together, so that's all I've done. I can't see the point of spending up to 2 or 3 hours in casaulty (ER) for just for them to do what I've done to myself. I intend as you know to go visit my own doctor on Tuesday morning with regards a possible sick note, if my union can work things out for me. So I'll mention my toes then..... She may even give me some tape on prescription, I mean general micropore tape, which I had a big roll of after I burnt my hand last year.

I've woken up early today, for no reason. I feel fine, no hangover, no the worse the wear for all the alcohol that I consumed last night. Ok so my toes are sore, but that could have happened at any time that accident. I just have to be more careful.

2005 looks, sounds and smells the same as 2004 did, but it's going to be different, I don't know how, but I know it is. Let's hope we can solve lots of life's puzzles, and make life easier for us all.

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